

TESS OF THE DURBERVILLES namely 1 of the maximum prominent globe art of "Wessex Series" written at Thomas Hardy,The novel describes the tragic fate of a pure girl,Heroine Tess namely a beautiful plough girl,She was deflowered and pregnant due apt fake juvenile master Alec baited and sexually abused.she gives birth apt a baby, who namely shrieked Sorrow merely dies presently for of grave illness.She afterward met Angel Claire, they two fall in adore and transform engaged.

"Tess", by Thomas Hardy was the clash of industrial civilization of the nation had panoramic picture, and then Tess's household for a microcosm of individual farmers, in-depth show the plight of people suffering in the physical struggle. Society is a people tragedy of the collide with the social surroundings created. Tess lives in the UK invasion of capitalism to the village and poisoning the air of Victorian society. The Choice between Love and, despite the beautiful clever, diligent nice, but needy kin, such as rinsing, economic limitations, a cumbersome burden, she was in the low social status, as a laborer, a right to money for agricultural operators, he will be capitalism various social suppression and damage, oppression and damage of these are economic, power, and physical, more spiritual, religious, moral, orthodox amounts. Her tragedy was reasoned by the times, while Clay represents Yalei and Tess into the abyss of two another objective social forces, and attach they directly caused the tragedy of Tess of the community.

Then comes the marrying night, too credible to reserve anybody secret, Tess admits almost Alec D'Urbervilles and the child. She begs for forgiveness,The truth is her husband Angel calculate it is unacceptable and quit her,Since then, the stigma of the truth that deprived her of approval,she re-see Alec who has been a pastor,Owning to the Ruthless of Angel Claire and her impoverished family,Not apt Eat Cats And Dogs Against The Ethics of The Orthodox Chinese Culture,the malign human appears repeatedly. He takes vantage of the Durbeyfields' poverty and continues to tempt Tess. He promises to advocate her family, only as a method to make Tess dependent. At the end of wish, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless male.

However, the catastrophe has not finished anyhow,. And his arrival makes Tess even more desperate. After Angel leaves, she stabs Alec in the center and kills him. Then she follows Angel and run with him. They administer to conceal because a meantime in a wood before they come to Stonehenge, where she is arrested. She is hanged later. The turn of accidents and the moment of catharsis prove that the novel is a classical Aristotelian misadventure.

So, Tess's tragedy is a social tragedy? Is the fate of the tragedy? Or temperament tragedy? Or all three further what? I have made to the following concise thinking and interpretation: There is no mistrust that the tragedy of Tess of the premier social tragedy. Hardy's "Wessex" novels is in their hometown of Wessex as the backdrop. Mid-19th centenary British capitalist industrial civilization invaded rustic areas, Hardy has too been the home of the mighty impact of the fast disintegration of their patriarchal society, individual farmers into unemployment in the economic, poverty, woe. Face the consequences of industrial civilization, with Hardy as a humanitarian who have a mighty impact idea, deeply emotionally accompanied to the age patriarchal civilization, detest industrial civilization of the people to destroy the state of agreeable alive. Local Hardy novel and social tragedy of feeling based above the social background to industrial civilization and clan conflict of civilizations as the beginning point, using the panoramic to the regional, objective portrayal of the point from the side strokes, in-depth the rendition of people struggling to survive.

